Monday, October 19, 2009

Pumpkin patch part 2, and beautiful pictures :)

Hi guys! Well, we went to the pumpkin patch again last weekend with Kenney's side of the family, and we did all the normal stuff :) He of course loved the frozen apple cider, and the hay, and this time he actually went down the slide! Also, and this was major, he stood up by himself for the first time! He always pulls himself up on everything, but this time, my mother in law was holding his hands and walking, and he let go of her and just gave this look like "Look what I just did!!". It was so cute and we were all so excited for him. We have been concerned for a little while that he hasn't walked yet, but we've talked to different doctors, and read books and he's just a slow walker :) He was 3 weeks early, so they said that that's something to do with it, but that it doesn't mean anything about his learning in the future. Thank God. I was a little worried about that. But, we also read that most Olympic athletes walked late, so who knows, maybe he'll win a gold medal someday? :)

I got a little ahead of myself, actually the day before, I had some events at work that I was gone the whole day, and Kenney took Harrison out to the woods and got some great pictures of him. Here are just a few. We are going to blow them up and put them around the house. I just love them, it totally captures his personality :)
Well, that's all that's really going on with us! I hope everyone is well!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Pumpkin Patch time!

Well, it's that time of year again! I love fall. I love the smell of it, the colors, apple cider, just everything! Plus, I LOVE getting bundled up again. I love summer, don't get me wrong, but by the end of August, I'm ready to get all snuggy in a fleece, or big oversized sweatshirt. Okay, enough about how much I love fall. Anyway, we went there with my brother Jason, his wife Mandy, their new son, Alexander, and my mom and dad. We had a blast! We of course ate a lot of apple stuff, and it was good, I just wish there weren't so many bees flying around, that made it kind of tough. But after we were done eating, and getting pictures by the pumpkins, we went to the hay for the kids to play. Harrison kept trying to crawl to get over there, so he was so curious about it :) He had a blast! He was scurring through that hay like a bullet! Then he'd pick it up in both of his hands and throw it down, or just play with it. It was so cute, and we got some cute pictures of him. Then, after everyone was done playing we went to the patch and picked out our pumpkins. I got a big one for us, and a small one for Harrison, and they are green! We were looking around for a pumpkin and saw these green ones, and was like "Are we allowed to take these?", but we did anyway. I love them, it's definitely different, and well, that's what we are, so, it fits.
Everything else is going great! Harrison is doing good, he's really learning to test his limits with me, and we are working on that. I tell him "no", and he looks at me, shakes his head no, and does it again. It drives me nuts. It's nothing major that he's doing, just playing in the water bowls (eww), and he likes to feed the dogs when he eats. He takes his food in both of his hands and drops them. I have a few dogs that are have some food aggression tendencies and I'm afraid that they are going to fight over his food one of these days. So, we're working on it, but it does get frustrating sometimes.
Also, I've started to watch my nephew Alexander for a few hours a day and its definitely a challenge to watch a newborn and Harrison at the same time, but thankfully it's just a few hours and it's while Kenney is here, so that helps big time. It seems right when Alexander get's here Harrison wants nothing but me. Plus, I forgot what it's like to have a newborn. Whew! It's such a guessing game on what's wrong! He's such a sweet kid though and has the cutest face when he cries, so it makes me smile :)
Harrison isn't walking yet, but he's soooo close! He's almost got it! He climbs on everything, he's standing all the time, it's adorable! The climbing thing, whew that kid is fast! Plus, I wish he did have that helmet still, it would definitely come in handy now! He's taken a few spills, but gets right back up and tries again. Determined little stinker :)
Here are some pictures from our pumpkin patch trip, and other cute pictures of my little man :) Hope all is well. Peace and love.