Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Trip to Gettysburg :)

Hi all! Well, we just got back yesterday from a 4 day trip to Gettysburg. It was so much fun! We left on Friday morning, around 7:30 because Kenney was wanting to leave at like midnight and after stressing to get not only myself AND Harrison ready, I told him, "hey, it's my vacation too, let's just relax and leave when we get up". Boy am I glad that we did, it was so much more relaxing then having to rush around and get stuff ready to go. We got there around 7:00 pm, it's usually a 9 hour trip, but having a toddler kind of streched that out a little. :) Harrison is a GREAT traveler though. He just plays in the back and chills, I have to say, he's pretty awesome! So, the trip was great, although I was really afraid of the chance that I might see a ghost, especially since Harrison was laying around the 1st night in his pack and play and laughing at nothing. I was a little freaked out. But, the rest of the trip I was okay..........until it was dark out :) But, I didn't see any ghosts thank God. We had a great time though, we visted the battlefield, saw a lot of monuments and did a lot of tours. I'm not really a history buff whatsoever, but I have to admit, some of it was interesting. On Sunday we went for a run on the battlefields which was a little weird, but it was fun to be running on a peice of earth that had seen so much. Then we went around the town of Gettysburg and saw the different shops, and ate at the Farnsworth House, which was really cool, and it has over 100 bullet holes in the side of the building from the war. Crazy huh? All in all it was a really good trip :)
Harrison is doing great, still not walking, but I'm not trying to rush it, I figure he'll get there when he gets there. Anyway, he's having a great time crawling around as fast as he can, and chasing after the dogs too :) That's his absolute favorite thing to do! Now that he can say the word "dog", that's all you here from him! Even in Gettysburg everything was "dog"! :) It was hilarious! He's standing up all the time still, and he's climbing on everything! It's amazing how fast he's growing up, and I just love that he's into so much stuff! Like, he loves going from one end of the bathtub to the other, it's so funny. Everything he does is just so funny, he's such a hambone!
Today I got to watch my nephew Alexander, who's only 6 weeks old. Harrison wasn't too happy about it, right when I put Alex down Harrison crawled over, and grabbed his pacy and put it in his own mouth :) Harrison hasn't used a pacy since he was 7 months old, but I guess he just wanted to feel like a baby. It was cute. But, soon Harrison got used to him and wasn't so jealous. Plus, thankfully my dad came over and helped me out. Here are some pictures of them.
Well, that's it for now! Hope everyone is doing well!