Monday, August 31, 2009

A lot of firsts!

Well, it's August 31 and it's a day I will always remember! Harrison had his first haircut today, he was so great for it too! I had the sippy cup and goldfish crackers ready just in case he got upset, but he was awesome! He didn't cry or fuss at all! I am so blessed that I have such a laid back kid. Here are some pictures of his big day. No more mullet, now he's clean cut and looks so cute!
He also said 2 words today! He always says Momma, but today he said Dog and Duck! He's been saying "og" for a little while, but today, he got the D on it. Then when he was taking a bath, he had his rubber ducky and I said "Duck", and he just looked at me and said "Duck!". I couldn't believe it! I had him say it like a million times after that. After his bath, he started calling everything duck. It was hilarious. He's just amazes me everyday.
He's not walking yet, but boy is he trying. He IS climbing though! He can get on our couch in no time, he just gets on the ottoman, then up he goes! Crazy! He is trying to walk though, he walks when I hold on to his fingers, goes a few steps then sits down. Must be tough :)
He's also learned how to cross his eyes. He does it all the time, and I mean ALL THE TIME. It drives me crazy. I don't want his eyes to stay like that! But he just thinks it's hilarious! He just looks at you, crosses his eyes, and laughs. It's not bad when we are at home, but when we are out somewhere, people just look at him, like "poor kid".
We are excited that we get to do so much more things with him now. I run with him almost everyday and he loves it, we went riding our bikes on the Monon and he loves his bike trailer. In a few weeks we are going to Chicago to check out some museums and the Aquarium. I'm excited because I LOVE Chicago, and it's Kenney and my's 3rd wedding anniversary, and 6 year anniversary since we met. I'll be sure to post some pictures when we get back.
Other than that, everything is going great! I'm running all the time, and losing more weight. I feel a lot better about everything. I told myself that I'm not going to worry so much about stuff I can't control and it seems to be working. I'm not as stressed and I can just focus on my family and that's an awesome feeling. I never thought I'd be such a family type of girl, but I'm more than happy sitting at home with Harrison and Kenney then going out and doing anything like I used to. I hope that all is well with everyone. Have a happy holiday!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It's been awhile :)

Sorry that I haven't posted in awhile, there has been a lot going on in the Smith family! First and foremost, my nephew was born on August 7th, and he's just about as sweet as can be :) His name is Alexander Jakson Diaz, and even though Harrison wasn't able to see him because he had a temperature (his first one ever!), it was special that he was there to celebrate. Congrats Jason and Mandy!
We are doing great, as usual! Harrison is being a little wild man, and is definitely starting to test his limits with his Mom and Dad. He's such a good boy though, but man, once you say the word "No", he think's it's hilarious and tries again. It's really tough, but if I say "No" really loud, he gets the point and starts crying, and it takes everything in me not to pick him up and tell him it's okay. I hate disciplining him, but I know it has to happen so he can learn right from wrong.
He's has been having a great time recently with both sets of grandparents :) I'm so lucky to have so many family members that want to watch him all the time. Last Saturday, I had my first "Mommy Day" in a long time. I dropped him off with his grandma Carol, and did exactly what I wanted to a movie, and have Subway. Before Harrison was born, i was quite the movie buff, there still is nothing better to me, than curling up on the couch, under covers, watching movies. I can't wait for him to be big enough to want to curl up with me and do that, but right now, he just wants to go go go!
We've been running about 3-4 times a week now for a few months, and I think he really enjoys it! He puts his little hands on the tray, and sits up really straight, like he wants to feel the wind in his hair :0) When Mommy stops for water, Harrison gets some, and now when we are at home, I see him "stretching" like I do before we run. It's so cute! We go running on the trails, and my stroller is definitely starting to show it's wear, but I'm hoping that one will go on sale soon, so we can wear that one out too :) I never thought in a million years that I would like running as much as I do, and I don't even bring my iPod with me. It's a nice release and seems to be helping with my stress. Look at me, I can officially call myself "athletic", there's a first!

Well, here is some of things that the wild man is doing now:
  • Pulling up on EVERYTHING
  • Pushes and pulls all the big things in our "playroom", his horsey, a chair, the ottoman.
  • Cruising still, but soon enough he'll be really on the move
  • Will walk when I hold on to his hands
  • Stands for a minute without holding on to anything
  • Kenney told me today that he climbed up on the ottoman to the couch, I didn't witness it, but whoa, that scares me!
  • His 2 bottom teeth have really pushed up, and I think he's working on his top.
  • Offers things now, like Cheerios, and toys, I LOVE it!
  • When he hugs me, he says "mmmmm"
  • Has made it up 4 stairs at his grammy and popi's house
  • Still LOVES any dog he sees, and I think I hear him say "Og"...but I'm not sure.
  • My dad says that he says something for phone too, so he's definitely starting to vocalize more.
  • Likes to crawl over everything and everyone :)
  • Hooked on Very Vanilla Soymilk, and Soy Chicken he not his daddy's son or what?

Here's some recent pics of Harrison...being silly, eating a Club Cracker for the first time, etc. Hope all is well with everyone and I will post again soon, hopefully with pics of Alexander!