Friday, December 5, 2008

Blogging :)

Okay, so I have to say, I think I'm pretty computer literate, but why every blog is different to change the background on, I don't know. I have no idea what I'm doing on this blogspot, I have no clue how to change the background on this thing! If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it! I thought I uploaded the right html on the layout, but it's not showing up. Whew, sorry, had to vent there.
So, it's been a little while, and we've been super busy! Harrison is doing great! He's really close to rolling over from his back to his belly, he gets all the way on his right side, then as soon as he's about to roll, he goes to his back :) He likes to "fake" Mommy out :) We are working all the time (he gets to come with me to the daycare), and he's loving it, even though he gets to sleep on the job, right through all the dog barking!
I'm really excited for this month, last month he had his first Thanksgiving, in which he tried cereal for the first time, it was hilarious! He kept making that "yucky" face, but now that I've figured out that I can put baby applesauce in it, he loves it! I'll have to put pictures on here. It was so scary for me though! We went to the doctor the day before Thanksgiving for his 4 month shots, in which I learned my lesson in not giving him Tylenol before, he cried for 2 hours!! Poor kid, I'll never make that mistake again! But I was talking to the doctor about when to start baby food and stuff, and I got so scared! It's just a new thing ya know? I mean, I have breastfeeding down, I know when he's hungry, when he's full, he latches on great and we've never had a problem, but now it's like, he's getting less and less dependent on me. They just grow up so fast!! But, I'm over it now, it's fun to feed him with a spoon :0
We are going to put up the Christmas tree this weekend, and I plan on getting lots of pictures. Instead of going to Target or whatever for expensive professional pictures, we are going to take them ourselves. We'll see how it goes, I'm dying to get pictures with him and the dogs, but there's no way my dogs would sit still :) Well, I'll get some pictures on here in the next few days, it's tough keeping up on myspace, and here! :)

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