Warning: This blog may be bitchy, read as your own risk!
Well, I'm just having a really bad week, and I'm so happy that I'm have a nice long weekend ahead of me. Oh wait, no I don't...I have to work on Sunday, crap. Just a reminder to read the warning label above this blog before continuing on below :) Like I said, I'm having a bad week.
We will start this blog out on a good note. Harrison is doing great! He finally started really crawling the other day towards, you guessed it, the iPhone. That thing is the best invention ever made to get a kid to crawl! He's definitely more into sitting up on his own though. He does it about 20 times a day I'd say, and i'm working on trying to get him to pull himself up on things, but it's not really getting it. Soon enough though! His head is doing great, and it seems to be improving more and more each day, only bad part is that now that it's nice out, he's sweating a lot more in it everyday, so I try to give him more frequent breaks from it.
It's amazing how fast he is growing, he's only 2 months away from being a year old, how crazy is that? I don't want to miss anything that he's doing, I constantly want to be with him, but unfortunately, I have to work, and have been working more it seems this week, so I've missed out on a few days with him, which sucks. But, what can you do? Here are some pictures of him, I finally got some naked ones :) Can't wait to pull these out at prom time!
On to the venting. Work. Don't you hate unnecessary drama at work? It seems that it's a constant in my life, everyday there SOMETHING going on with a particular employee and it really sets me off. She's only been there about 8 months, and she's called in at least over 7 times. 7 times in 8 months. I've called in twice in 2.5 years and they were for Harrison. Insane. She's been off the last 3 or 4 fridays in a row when everyone else (myself included) has been busting their butt on Fridays. We are supposed to be on a rotation, and the girls that are working all the time, with no time off, haven't even gotten the opportunity to get off early. Not cool in my book. To me, you reward hard workers, and get rid of the weakest links. This girl is a weak link. I'm not going to sit here and say that I deserve time off because I don't, I work 35 hours a week, and i'm fine with that. I'm not burnout, but i can tell that my boss is, and she can't even take 1 day off of work because of everything that goes on there. It's just so upsetting. So I'm trying not to stress out, but obviously, not happening. I am constantly feeling panic attacks coming on, and I have to really calm myself down, which is tough when your dealing with all this crap. I love my job, I just don't love the people that work there. There are only 3 other girls there that I can stand, and if it were just us all the time, things would be great. And trying to show my boss how things are when she's not around, it's embarrassing, i feel like a 5th grader all the time, but she deserves to know what's going on with her business when shes' not there. I wish she would just make me a supervisor so I could tell people what to do and get the respect that comes with that title. But, because of another employee who's feelings might get hurt if that happened, she won't do it. It's crazy. Whew. I feel a little better. If only I could have a beer only 2 more months of nursing and I can have one, woo hoo!
To top it all off today, my dog Gladys, the sweetest dog in the world, is sick. Of course it happens when I'm broke. $250.00 after I had just paid $4,000 for another dog back in September. I guess it comes with owning dogs, but geez, $150.00 for blood work?! That's insane! Hopefully everything comes back okay and my little girl is fine, but it's just an unexpected expense right now that I really didn't need.
Sorry for all of the ranting and raving, I'm going to try to stay positive because if you thing positive, then positive things will happen. So, on a positive note, it's my 10th day with no Pepsi. Go me! I swear this is harder than quitting smoking!